There are several things that will affect the end cost of your metal roof, some having more of an effect than others.

Probably the largest factor in determining the roof cost will be whether you decide to get an Exposed Fastener roof, or a Standing Seam roof. Exposed Fastener roofing is the cheaper option, that doesn't mean its any less secure though. The difference between Exposed and Standing Seam is that Standing Seam has the fasteners covered, while Exposed leaves the fasteners revealed [although the fasteners are colored to blend in with the roof better]. Standing Seam is more expensive because extra metal panels are used to cover the fasteners, leaving you with a sleek look for the roof.

Another factor that can affect your roofs cost will be the distance between fasteners, if your structure is in an area with particularly high wind speeds, like a house on the southern Florida coasts, the fasteners will need to be more numerous and closer together to ensure the roof stays secure under the higher winds that we can see during the hurricane season for example.

One more piece to consider for the cost of a roof is the labor needed to install the roof, which can be affected by the roofs shape. A roof that has many hips and valleys is said to be “cut-up”.

What that means is that the roofing contractor will have to cut the roofing panels to fit as opposed to just installing the panels as they come from the supplier.

Other roof features that affect labor include the amount of flashing a roofer has to use if there are chimneys, skylights, or the like. Rotten plywood that needs to be replaced, and old shingles that can’t be installed over will also affect the price of a new metal roof. The best thing to do is to have a roofing contractor come out to give you an estimate and to see what they have to say about what it would take to install a new metal roof. At Tri County Metals we work with multiple contractors in many areas, contractors who are factory trained to install our metal roof panels properly, give us a call or visit one of our locations and we can link you up with a contractor who you know will be able to install your new metal roof correctly so it provides the maximum benefits and has the longest lifespan possible.

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