Introducing Santa Status 2022

Help donate to children and youth in your local Guardian ad Litem Foundation programs this Christmas Season!

Tri County Metals is holding a gift collection contest at all TCM locations, and it’s a win-win this Christmas season! We currently have gift collection bins at each location – running through November 18th.

The contractor, or individual, that donates the most gifts by count per location will receive Santa Status! And for the one contractor who donates the most gifts by count overall, they will receive Super Santa Status! Get bragging rights, repeated posts on our 41K strong FB page, and some sweet video promos courtesy of our Marketing Department.

When you drop off a gift, be sure to have a TCM Team Member log your donation, and get your bell rung!

See this link below for specific items to donate, and more information on this fun, gift giving drive. Please make note of the types of gifts we can accept and be sure to leave your gift unwrapped.

Official Santa Status Page

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